SIRIO MEDICINE (Systematic Investigation and Research on Interventions and Outcomes MEDICINE) is the network constituting a platform for cooperation of doctors and scientists from around the world, giving new opportunities for the challenges of modern cardiology. It was formed in late August 2012 in Munich, and its official presentation took place at an international scientific conference entilted “Advances in antiplatelet therapy”, held in Torun, on 7-8 September 2012.

The chairman and founder of SIRIO MEDICINE is Eliano Pio Navarese MD, PhD.

SIRIO MEDICINE is a selected Research Network of senior scientists and fellows collaborating worldwide. Among the members of network are leading experts in the field of cardiology in Europe, North America and Asia. SIRIO MEDICINE is also open to young fellows who want to actively participate to pursue research and innovation in medicine with a focus in cardiology.

SIRIO MEDICINE aims and building process

The objective of is to create international working nuclei on specific issues concerning our activities and clinical research in Cardiology by building a network of scientific contacts, to establish a number of macro-areas on which to focus the interest of our scientific community.

How to get an excellent scientific work?

Steps to project success
Steps to project success

General rules of a scientific group

A. Initiate discussions around scientific issues

B. Start up researches (international clinical trials) and deepen theoretical and speculative topics.

C. Exchange of information on how to work in the different countries and literature in progress in any specific area.

D. Common organization of “interactive sessions”, research meetings and scientific discussions

SIRIO MEDICINE organizational structure

SIRIO-MEDICINE organizational structure

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